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School Councils

Our School Councils are an extremely important part of Newport Primary School.  We have several dedicated councils, each of whom have their own specific remit, designed to give a voice to our pupils and promote inclusion for all.

Councils are timetabled to meet throughout the year to support many school events, such as Parent’s evenings, sports week and meeting important school visitors. 

Rights Respecting Ambassadors

The rights respecting ambassadors, who were selected by their peers within school, plan, organise and deliver initiatives. This includes leading assemblies, organising charity events for chosen charities and being the pupil voice in schools decisions.  Some important issues raised and covered by the team have been digital resilience, pupil voice and links with the wider community.  Wearing a different coloured, purple jumper with a logo designed by the children themselves, the children are easily identifiable within school. 


Sports council is made up of group of children across Key Stage 2.  The role of the council is to promote healthy living and physical well-being. They meet regularly to discuss ideas for how to get our children active and fit. Sports Council members help out in school at sporting events and also help the younger children with playground games at break and lunchtimes.  You can spot the Sports Council members by their bright yellow t-shirts!


Our school Eco-Council try to make Newport School as Eco friendly as possible!  We meet every few weeks and the committee is run by both adults and pupils.  We have daily duties which involve emptying the recycling bags and fruit bins and we help ensure that taps and lights are not left on in classrooms. 

Last year we were awarded our Eco-Schools silver award which we are very proud of.  We now have our own school Eco code and the whole school supports this by participating in whole school projects such as Waste Week and after school gardening clubs.  Please help us continue to reduce waste, recycle, reduce water wastage and look after our school grounds.

Language Ambassadors

Our language ambassadors are a group of children who act as interpreters for other children within the school. They wear an orange lanyard stating which language(s) they speak so adults and children in school know who to go to when they need some help.

  • Eco Schools

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