Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Our Early Years Foundation Stage incorporates Nursery and Reception. We recognise the importance of providing children with the best possible start to their school journey. The information below details how we provide this for our pupils.
EYFS Curriculum Intent
Our curriculum has been designed to address the needs of our children here at Newport Primary. As we are a multicultural school, our overall aim is to teach the children to respect each other’s culture and beliefs. Topics are planned to build on the prior learning of children. We want to ensure that all children leaving EYFS at the end of Reception are ready to smoothly transition into our key stage 1 curriculum. Topics for EYFS are included on the whole school plan, however EYFS topics do not last a specific amount of time as we are led by the children and their interests. All our topics have activities and resources ready to use in continuous provision. Topics are supported with good quality fiction and non-fiction books as fostering the love of reading is a huge priority for us here at Newport and using books to support our wider curriculum teaches children that books and reading form the basis of all learning.
As a team we work hard to create an indoor and outdoor learning environment that inspires the children to investigate, take risks, ask questions and challenge themselves. The children have access to indoor and outdoor areas frequently throughout the day and have access to a range of continuous provision opportunities supporting writing, physical, sensory, creative, and number work skills being taught in EYFS.
EYFS Curriculum Implementation
Our EYFS curriculum aims to teach all children the skills and knowledge needed in order that they reach the Early learning goals described in the Early Years Foundation Stage 2021.
Both nursery and reception teach through a range of teaching methods including child-initiated learning, whole class teaching, group teaching, problem solving, investigations and 1:1 teaching.
We try to ensure that a large majority of activities are play based with experienced adults supporting children effectively, however we do believe there is a need for direct teacher led activities. All activities are modelled through quality first teaching and ensure that the children gain essential knowledge and skills to allow them to reach their full potential and achieve end of year goals.
EYFS Curriculum Impact
At Newport we work hard to ensure that our children make good progress based on their individual starting points. Staff take the time to get to know the children and build good relationships with them. Evidence and observations of the children’s progress is collected from the whole team and all staff can support the children with high quality learning throughout the day and are aware of next steps required to help individual children to make progress.
Key achievements and milestones are recorded on evidence me which is the online tool we use to evidence each child’s learning journey. The observations collected, and the professional conversations we have about the children support us with our formative assessments and future planning. Our summative assessments look at children’s attainment in relation to age related expectations using Development Matters and the birth to five frameworks.
We moderate our assessments regularly within the team and also through a selection of schools we work alongside in our cooperative trust.
EYFS Curricular Goals
Our curriculum is based around the following goals:
By the end of the Early Years we want the children to:
- Be effective communicators
- Be independent
- Be creative and critical thinkers
- Be respectful and form positive relationships
- Be confident readers and writers
- Recognise and celebrate all cultures, religions and beliefs
- Take risks and be resilient