Safeguarding & Digital Resilience
In an ever changing technological world, it is often difficult to keep up with new technologies. We are well aware that it is often the case that children know more about technology than their parents. At Newport, we believe that children’s technological knowledge should be nurtured and harnessed to further their learning as far as possible.
In order to support this, we provide a curriculum that supports our pupils to become digitally resilient through computing and circle time activities, whole school team and class assemblies. Staff and children are regularly provided with updates to enable them to be safe when accessing content on websites, from social media and apps and trained to know what to do if they ever feel uncomfortable with a situation online.
Within school, we have carefully managed systems where children are able to access parts of the internet and are encouraged to communicate and network safely within the school community. We know that home networks are not always monitored and therefore aim to provide children with a working knowledge of how to be digitally resilient. We teach children to know what these situations may look like, as well as what actions they should take.
If you or your child have any questions or concerns regarding e-safety or would like any support or advice with e-safety at home, you can speak to Mrs Coates (PSA/Designated Safeguarding Lead) or Mrs Maxwell or log on to the following websites for more information and support.
Our Digital Resilience Strategy can be found in the Policies section of this site.
Useful websites
- KidSmart
- Think U Know
- NSPCC Online Safety
- Parent Info
- UK Safer Internet
- Report Harmful Content
- Childnet
- h2b Safety Centre
Safeguarding Policy
Our Child Protection And Safeguarding Policy can be found in the Policies section of our website.